onsdag, oktober 11, 2006

A haircut from hell!

- someone told me, that a webblog shouldn't only contain long and tedious updates as I have been known to make, so today I thought I'd follow that advice and add a short note.

...or more like a scream for help!

One of the girls working at the hotel, (no Nis, she is working in the restaurant, serving food), persuaded me to let her cut my hair. I was asking for a decent barber around here, and she stepped up, claiming her excellence in the field. Grudingly, I let myself be talked into it, but when she arrived with a standart kitchen-like pair of scissors, I probably should have realised my mistake! After about 5 minutes of work (there was no mirror), I tried to use my calmest voice to ask her, whether she thought it would be a good idea to use a comb or a brush as well, whilst she was cutting - just to get the lenght somewhat even. She replied: "Oh, what a great idea" - genuinely encouraged... She got one, and then the molesting continued.

After about 5 more minutes, she declared, that the job was done. I asked her to use my trimmer to do the edges, and after I had explained to her, what a trimmer actually WAS, she went to work with it with the same enthusiasm, that had formerly filled her use with the pair of old scissors.

The result? Well...if you ever read that episode of Calvin and Hobbes (Steen og Stoffer, red.) where Calvin gives himself a haircut, I think you basically got the idea of how I look at the moment.

...I think I will try and find a barber shop one of these days...

Next update (one of the longer ones) will hopefully follow shortly!


1 kommentar:

Marie sagde ...

Hey Per!

Længe siden - men hvor kunne det være sjovt at se de hår nu. Jeg husker det som langt, glat og samlet i en hestehale, men det er måske lidt anderledes nu...?

Anyway, dette er Marie Aktor der skriver til dig. Ved ikke om du kan huske mig, men vi gik i gymnasiet sammen for ca 10 (ahrg!!) år siden. Faldt over din blog da jeg googlde nogle af de gamle elever fra X-klassen på Morsø gym.
Tænkte at jeg lige ville sige ohøj. Du kan læse mere om hvad jeg går og laver på www.aktorspraktik.blogspot.com.
Hvis du kommer forbi København på et tidspunkt kunne det være rigtig hyggeligt at mødes.

Knus Marie